6801 W. 96TH STREET, OAK LAWN, IL 60453
Sign up for Holy Qurbana
Registration is required to attend the Holy Qurbana. Please use the following link to register for this week's service :
If you are unable to attend in person, please use the following live stream to attend the service virtually:
COVID guidelines
Do any of the below apply to you or your family members planning to attend? If YES, please stay home.
Please read over this list carefully:
AGE 65+ or vulnerable
New or worsening cough
Sore throat
Shortness of breath
Fever of 100 degrees F or taken any medication to reduce fever in the last 24 hours
Loss of smell or taste
Anyone in your household has been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days
Came in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days
Coming to Church
Arrive on time. Only the REAR entrance door of the church will be open. It will be open only from 8:45 AM to 10 AM and will remain closed for the duration of the service.
You will be reminded of the symptoms mentioned in the guidelines. If you answer "YES" to any, YOU MUST go home immediately and not stay on the church premises.
Your temperature will be taken (contact free) prior to entering the church. If temperature reads at or more than 100 degrees F, you must return home.
You must wear a mask at all times during the service. Each person must bring their own mask.
You must sanitize your hands when entering the church.
Shoes and belongings have a dedicated spot in the basement when you enter.
Inside Church
Keep 6 ft distance between others.
The church will have marked seating to ensure proper social distancing and will be filling from the front.
Family members are encouraged to sit together to maximize seating (up to 2 per marked spot).
Altar servers will be called and assigned by clergy for each liturgy.
Please avoid touching things or people inside the church including icons, relics, clergy, altar servers, etc.
During communion, you will remove your mask from the strap, come in order, and open mouth wide.
After Liturgy, we will stagger your exit from the church as individuals or families to ensure we maintain social distancing.
Spray bottles and paper towels will be kept by each seat. Please use that to clean your area before leaving.
For more information, please refer to the CDC website: